About Me
Being happy is our birthright
Jaimy Naert is an RTT® therapist and RTC® coach, as well as a clinical hypnotherapist. Originally from Belgium, she moved to México in 2003, where she still happily lives and works today.
Have you ever been in a situation when you thought: “This is not who I am, I deserve better!”? Jaimy once too found herself in such a situation, when she had a severe depression after moving to a different country. Being far away from her family, adapting to very different customs, learning a new language,… lead her once to lose her own identity. Her recovery from this experience motivated her to help others to find their true happiness (again), as she is absolutely convinced that every human being is unique and deserves to live a happy life. With RTT® and RTC® she found the ideal methods to rapidly help people relieve the burden of past hurtful experiences and to help them re-discover their full potential, while teaching them to establish a very efficient positive communication with their own powerful mind, which empowers them to freely be the authentic person they are and create the happy life they deserve.
You already understand that the first step towards recovery is to be aware of the problem and then to decide doing something about it. The only fact that you are reading this, is because you love yourself enough to understand that you deserve better and you have already started searching for a solution. Now just click “free consultation call” at the bottom of this page and let me explain how I can help you. See you soon!
Click here to book your free consultation call to discuss the following topics:
- What you want to change in your life
- Which service (RTT® or RTC®) will best meet your needs
- Number of sessions recommended
- Availability
- Pricing